Briefing note to Minister Stokes – Amendments to SEPP Educational Establishments & Child Care Facilities 201721st September 2021
Submission to NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on amendments to the Education SEPP 15th December 2020
Briefing note to Minister Stokes – Improvements to Education SEPP 18th November 2020
Briefing note to Minister Stokes – Removing Monetary Threshold for Complying Development 2nd November 2020
Briefing note to Minister Stokes re clause 36 of the Infrastructure SEPP 25th May 2020
Briefing note to Alister Henskens SC MP re amendment to the SEPP (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 30th March 2020
Briefing note to the Property Council re amendment to the SEPP (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 6th April 2020