Project Details

The project consisted of the refurbishment of two existing aged care buildings comprising approximately 116 beds and upgrading from BCA Class 3 to 9c; demolishing old ILU building and replacing with a new 48-bed RACF, all of which is being undertaken over 4 stages over 18 months. EPM was appointed at stage when BaptistCare had obtained Development Consent for Stages 1 and 3. EPM was responsible for managing the processes associated with obtaining Development Consent for Stages 2 and 4 as well as modification of the consent for Stage 1 and 3. The project was delivered under an ECI, D&C, GMP basis. EPM was responsible for developing procedures and processes to enable the chosen strategy, assist BaptistCare to finalise a contract with the selected contractor and administer the contract through all four stages.

Project Stats

  • Project Cost: $25.0 Million

  • Completed 2016

Client Reference