Project Details

Since 2023, the Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) has engaged EPM Facilities Management (EPM) for assistance with several key projects, including the tendering process for asset management suppliers. EPM facilitated this by assembling field technicians that could both collect necessary data and provide a platform to track the lifecycle of assets, including financial modelling, condition assessments, and risk management.

EPM developed a project brief on behalf of CSPD and managed the entire tender process, from bringing the project to market through to evaluating submissions. EPM recommended three suppliers to CSPD after careful assessment; EPM organised and chaired the tender interviews and also participated in final contract negotiations and managed the execution of agreements between CSPD and the chosen supplier.

Following the successful completion of this project, CSPD retained EPM to assist with the supplier’s onboarding and integration across several schools. EPM ensured a smooth transition and operational handover, giving CSPD confidence in the supplier’s performance and alignment with their needs.
EPM was further engaged by CSPD to manage a tender for door suppliers to evaluate and replace sliding doors across 85 schools. This involved coordinating site meetings between the client and supplier. Due to the safety concerns involved, EPM acted quickly and thoroughly to resolve the matter. EPM also implemented a pilot program, setting up a list of 6 initial schools where the works were rolled out first. EPM then conducted unplanned spot checks to ensure suppliers were performing work to specification, providing CSPD with additional assurance.

Upon the successful completion of the pilot program, CSPD approved EPM and the supplier to proceed with door replacements at the remaining 79 schools.

Project Stats

  • Ongoing